New type marked poker fluorescent cards

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Items:Fluorescent marked card
All card games hinge on the fact that a card has two sides, one of which reveals its identity, while the other conceals it. This description is from gaming expert David Parlett. The initial purpose of the two side designs is like David said. But with the developed technology, some people can see through the playing cards when the poker playing cards facing down.
These playing cards tricks are very common for some skilled gamblers, but for the novice, they know there are some poker tricks in the game. When mentioning the cards cheating, many people usually first think of marked cards. Moreover, they will try to find the marks on the cards. However, only those who less knowledgeable amateur cards cheater will do this.
There are many kinds of marked cards. The marks can be big marks and small marks, this need to depend on the color of the playing cards. The playing cards also can be the invisible ink marked cards or fluorescent marked cards. Fluorescent marks is the new developed technology. Only the special fluorescent machine can detect the fluorescent marked decks. This is one of the most safety way to cheat in the poker game, as well as one of our one on one marked cards, can not detect by other suppliers device.