KEM Arrow Bridge Size infrared cheating poker cards

Price:Contact Us
Items:KEM marked deck of cards
A few words is difficult to tell the story of ten years, but for the way to being a real man, I still have to say that efforts will be transferred into fruitful. If you are in full bloom, the breeze will ensue. If you are using marked cards, the victory will ensue.
KEM Arrow marked cards are prioritized choice for you, the bridge size of 8.9cm*5.7cm can be used in many games and in many occasions, we marked this kind of cards for you with good infrared ink that can be recognized with our contact lenses and infrared sunglasses. Each pack of KEM Arrow poker contains two decks, two colors of blue and red, and each deck contains 52 cards and 2 jokers and 1 guarantee card, if you want to buy blue or red only, we can also repackage the pack for you.
You can choose to buy the KEM Arrow bridge size poker cards we marked on our method, or your requirements on the marks are welcomed, and we will make best KEM Arrow marked cards for you.